Bypass the Recycle Bin in XP

2009 May 3
by Andy

I have a love hate relationship with the Recycle Bin.  When I need it, I’m glad its there, but for the most part it is just a pain in the rear.  Most people forget to empty it (don’t we all hate taking out the trash?) and end up with loads of files that never really go away.

There is a registry hack you can use (and deploy, although I wouldn’t recommend that) that will bypass the recylce bin when deleting files.

  1. Open REGEDIT
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
  3. Create a DWORD value with the following specs:

    Value name: NukeOnDelete

    Value: 1

To go back to using the recycle bin, enter 0 for value.

Easy peasy.

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3 Responses leave one →
  1. 2009 June 15

    I have been looking looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.

  2. 2009 September 21

    So I like the recycle bin but sometimes I want to bypass it. Instead of doing the registry edit you can hold down the shift key while you delete the file and it will bypass the recycle bin. This offers a nice middle path that allows you to preserve the recycle bin feature except for those few files you really want to delete.

  3. 2009 December 1
    Andy permalink

    Yup. The hard delete is a great option. Btw, that also works in Outlook. Shift-delete on a mail and is skips the deleted items folder and gets permanently deleted right away.

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